Sunday, 30 March 2008

Pregnancy costs 30,000 women their job a year, says Sexism and the City report

"Pregnancy costs 30,000 women a year their jobs, says a report.

Story here

Expectant mothers and women who have just given birth face high levels of sex discrimination and are denied the flexible working they need."

Get this:

"As a result, many are forced to put the needs of their child before their careers."

Isn't that how it should be?

"The Sexism and the City report, by the Fawcett Society, highlights the experiences of a huge number of women and calls for tougher action to stamp out sexism in the workplace."

The Fawcett Society is headed by one Catherine Rake, a radical lesbian feminist who collaborated with Mary Daly on her last book project. This person is advising the British government.

The Fawcett Society does not campaign for 'equality' as the article says. It seeks to undermine men, marriage and the family.

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