Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Cath Elliott: So Angry I Could Strip!

When are men going to get the message that whistling at women, or staring at our tits, is not in the slightest bit flattering?

Despite the attempt by some men to deny its very existence, there's no doubt that sexual harassment of women is endemic in the public sphere.

Most women have at some point been subjected to men's boorish behaviour in one form or another, and if we haven't personally encountered wolf whistles or leering, sexist comments or downright intimidating behaviour, the vast majority of us will be acquainted with someone who has. But while we all know how it feels to be on the receiving end of this disrespect, our responses to such laddishness vary greatly.


BrusselsLout said...

Cath's thread had just closed for the night when I went to post something. So, hopefully, I'll do it tomorrow.

"Ooooh, you're such a Lout!", she'll say to me.

mike savell said...

Can't men see posting on her blog
is keeping her in business.She is
just using you and the moderator
is totally on her side.

Libertarian said...

Mike, at least the word is getting out. I don't think one of my comments has been deleted yet. As long as you're not blatantly offensive you should be okay.

Observation: All of Cath Elliot's articles bash men whilst portraying women as victims. Is she a lesbian or what?

BrusselsLout said...

Mike -- it's more important we go in there and fight our corner.

Moreover, Cath HATES it when anyone opposes her point of view. So we can't be doing too bad a job.

BrusselsLout said...

This woman is a complete moron.

And she's no different from your average radical feminist!

Tell you what though. Only just a few years ago these people were actually respected as having something valid to say. Now, however, more and more members of the public are seeing them for what they are: man-haters with a political agenda to destroy men and masculinity.

And this is with the help of years of men's rights activism. We need to keep fighting our fight.