Tuesday, 26 August 2008


The Guardian now at last have an article on the Paxman issue.

And who better to write it than a feminist?

(Rather low key, though, isn't it?)


Libertarian said...

Every single article that covers this subject uses an unflattering photo of Jeremy Paxman. Mariella Frostrup, on the other hand, is always seen from her best angle.

Libertarian said...

Comment posted! Hurrah.

BrusselsLout said...

Did it go straight through or was it moderated first? The Guardian is currently the most reliable site for getting a message across, so it's worth hanging onto membership.

Mariella. I didn't know she had a good angle. There's something in her eyes that's full of arrogance and devoid of passion that you appreciate how strong the male sex drive must be to fancy that.

My bet is this: she doesn't enjoy sex. She probably gets a far bigger buzz off of standing in front of that camera covered in expensive jewellery or buying a new pair shoes.

Libertarian said...

My comment was moderated first and appeared after 30 minutes.

Mariella Frostrup is a bigoted cunt who's only capable (or willing?) to see things from the feminist side of the fence.

She's also thoroughly dishonest.

Frostrup was referring to ALL television companies when she claimed that the vast majority of executives are male. One of the commenters under the Times' article pointed out that Paxman was only referring to the BBC, NOT all of TV-land. Typical feminine-spin from Ms Frosty-cunt.

She reminds me of Joan Bakewell; sultry and alluring in her photos but as soon as she opens her mouth and begins talking about gender issues she reveals herself to be a hopeless Nazi.

Libertarian said...

I'll be out of action for several days due to an internet problem.

BrusselsLout said...

I'm just back from a long weekend in Switzerland: beer in Fribourg with non-PC (English) mates that live there, a dip in the fast-flowing Rhine in Basel while there's still a bit of summer sun, and today, a day in Zurich, visiting places I used to go to when I lived there a few years ago.

Reading some good books on trains on the psychological differences between men and women. The topic matter here is what I wish our politicians would try to grasp rather than go for the easy vote by pandering to stupidity.

Now, back home. Work tomorrow.