Sunday, 6 April 2008

Childlike Dishonesty - A Feminists Trademark.

Having been invited to contribute to this blog, for my first posting I will provide an email I have just sent to Angry Harry. For those of you who, like me, recognize feminism as being a fully fledged crime against humanity, it is just one example of a multitude of hateful lies and exaggerations that have been constantly raining down upon the public for a very long time now.

Hi Harry,

I had to forward this onto to you. It was written by Lauren Booth as part of her column in today's, the 6th April' 08, Mail on Sunday.

And, in case you might think, it was not written in a 'tongue in cheek' or a whimsical manner that is providing perspective for some other point she is making, or has made in the past. This juvenile, moronic and clearly dishonest woman obviously expects people to believe in the full truth of this sort of thing and obviously deems it her journalistic privilege to convey to the public this sort of distorted claptrap - and clearly her editorial bosses seem quite happy to allow Lauren Booth to mislead the public in this way. It beggars belief Harry.

"A while back I was in a bar with an Asian friend. We were chatting privately about work and marriage when a man came over and accosted her. He said he was a member of the BNP and thought it was his duty to tell us 'you sluts should both be at home in the kitchen'. I thought of him this week while reading about a senior BNP official sacked after describing rape as 'myth' and saying 'some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly'. The man at the bar became so verbally aggressive that after a while I threatened to punch his lights out. At which point he huffed and puffed about being much shorter than me and having only one arm. That's the problem with these idiots. None of them can decide whether they're victims or bullies. It's unwise to try to be both. Unless you like being slapped by 6ft feminists of course".

Make of this what you will.

1 comment:

mike savell said...

Absolute load of tosh,will people really believe it,only if they are from the west.
I don't know if you have ever read Laurens blogs but her husband had a blog about househusbands,he being one.Since she has the bank account and the salary while he looks after the children and doing up a house in France he has to go to the office and ask her for a tenner to buy things.Quite seriously humiliated he is apparently,but I think he likes it that way(or not)I just dont know.