Monday, 7 April 2008

Family Life in Meltdown -- continuation

Following on from Harry's post on 5th April, of course family life is in meltdown! The UK is a country that is overwhelmed by female energy. (It's why I now live abroad.) And the people it affects the most (surprise, surprise) are men and boys.

Different males handle this differently. Some become feminised themselves (e.g. men in government or the media), while others behave in the most destructive way -- such as boys now forming a gang culture, or soccer thugs in their 30's. (Let's bear in mind though, that the feminised men in government and the media behave in far more destructive ways, because they are the ones with any power.)

But calling this a "collapse of the family unit" I think misses the mark. It puts a unisex gloss onto it, which it clearly isn't.The problem is, that boys are lacking male mentoring. 80% of teachers are now female. Indeed, some 35% of boys now go through school without ever having had any contact with a male teacher.

Male mentoring is something boys crave, especially when they start school and are thrown into a world of dominant matriarchs. And they are being denied it.But they are also denied it home. Often the father, having himself grown up in a female dominated environment, will be an inadequate guide for his sons. And single mothers do an appalling job in raising children, particularly their sons. (Some single mothers, of course, do try hard. But let's make no mistake: others don't.)

I believe strongly, that until we get some mature masculine structure into our society, things will continue to get worse. What we need now is some research in universities. We need to fully grasp the male psyche. And then build an education system based on it. Moreover, we need more men in education. Indeed, I believe that men should be available to guide and teach boys in the youngest age groups. (If this means paying more money to men to attract them to the job, then so be it.) I believe that advanced boys should be taught exclusively (or maybe almost exclusively) by men.

For any change to take place, we need policiticians sympathic to the MM. I don't yet know of any, although I appreciate that they may get destroyed by the media if they make themselves known.

We've still got some way to go.

[This post was originally a comment-response.]


RW said...

Isn't this blog supposed to be for links to popular mainstream sites that have comments?


Anonymous said...

You say we need to grasp the fully grasp the male psyche well for my two cents worth I believe in the journey. The journey being the hard and narrow path that leads from boyhood into manhood for which thousands of different tales have been told and retold throughout the ages. Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" describes this far better than I or ever hope to.

Libertarian said...

Yes, I'm certain that this blog exists purely to provide links to other sites; articles on other sites that invite comments.

BrusselsLout said...

My apologies gentlemen -- I'm still new 'round here!