Sunday, 25 May 2008

Sex-change para captain wins £250,000 from army for 'hurt feelings'. Most injured soldier receives only £152,000

A soldier who had a sex change to become a woman has been paid £250,000 in damages for being ordered to wear a male uniform for a medical.

Jan Hamilton, 43, has dropped her claim for sexual harassment and unfair dismissal after reaching the settlement with the Ministry of Defence.

But her case has angered families of soldiers wounded in service, who have been offered less in compensation despite their horrific injuries.


BrusselsLout said...

Read Warren Farrell's The Myth of Male Power. Superb.

It's full of stories like this, and numerous similar ones in other scenarios, such as the workplace. For example, more employment legislation has been put into place in the last couple of decades to protect women from hearing a word they don't like than in the last few centuries to prevent men getting killed on the job.

Libertarian said...

I have an in-depth audio interview with Warren Farrell. Some of the subjects he discussed shocked even me!

Libertarian said...

I've discovered which email address to use to complain about Daily mail moderation of comments:

"All comments are moderated by the community team."

BrusselsLout said...

Thanks for the details Lib. Bet the DM thought they had that safely hidden!