Sunday 30 March 2008

Don't call the barmaid 'love': How landlords could be forced to pay up if they allow sexist banter

"Bar managers and store owners face large-scale compensation claims if their customers ogle their barmaids, waitresses or check-out staff.

Story here

New sex discrimination laws also mean that landlords who allow loud sexist jokes or banter among drinkers could be taken before a tribunal.

The regulations say that bosses are responsible for protecting their staff from sexual harassment by customers - and that those who fail to do so can face unlimited compensation claims."

Another raft of false accusations wating to happen. Another set of profitable and socially useful enterprises forced out of business by teh feminist-led Left.

Would the last one to leave the UK please turn the lights out.

1 comment:

Mercurior said...

in the story it says "UNLIMITED" compensation,

"The rules allow tribunals to award unlimited damages for injury to feelings if a case is proved"

No smiling, No smoking, No eating, No drinking, No talking, No thinking. Thanks HARM MAN, welcome to communism.